Fully compliant with IEC 61850-3
ORing’s industrial Ethernet managed switches offer users possibility to draw maximum benefis from IEC 61850-3.

Build Secure Surveillance Systems with Gigabit backbone Network
For intelligent transportation systems, massive real-time transportation video and statistics data need to be handled swiftly and reliably in tough environments – essential for effective management of public transportation, traffic signals, freeways, tunnels, and parking lots.

Advance Industrial Communication into the Next Generation
For factory automation, it is necessary to have accurate realtime information of automated production-line at all times.

Featuring Reliable Performance with Non-Stop Connectivity
With global warming, green energy development and energy conservation have become the global trend.

ORing Empowers You with Rugged Excellence
If we ever pay attention to natural energy cultivation, we may notice that they are often exposed in tough environments of great dangers.

Strengthen BA Systems with ORing Advanced Network Technologies
With rapid development of digital contents and networks, building surveillance systems too has evolved as intelligent digital active surveillance systems.

Establish Robust and Secure Railway Networking Solutions
Rolling stock, including trains, high-speed rail, and community trains, is the most important transport between cities and towns. These vehicles not only connect people in different places, but also bring convenience and efficiency to our life.

Construct Reliable & Efficient Network Monitoring Systems
IP surveillance technologies are on the rise in the video surveillance industry, thanks to convenience and cost effectiveness of Ethernet networks.

Improve City Safety with ORing’s Advanced Network Technologies
To help the law enforcement to fight against criminal activities and to help the emergency personnel to respond swiftly to emergency situations, city surveillance is an indispensible aid of modern city. With the rapid digitization of video surveillance systems, video quality has vastly improved with capability of long distance transmission without quality degradation.

Ensure Reliable Data Transmission of IP Surveillance Systems for Mountainous Areas
Mountainous areas are prone to landslides, usually caused by torrential rain or earthquakes, posing serious threats to people’s life.